Master Rob Taylor (USTF AU7-93)
Master Jan Taylor (USTF AU7-96)
0434 359 313
Training Days
Monday and Thursday
Training Time
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Strathpine West State School Hall

Bai Rui Taekwon-Do Strathpine West

Masters Rob and Jan Taylor are two of the highest-ranking ITF Taekwon-Do practitioners in Australia
and were trained under the late Senior Master Charles Birch (Bai Rui Taekwon-Do Founder and 1st
Chief Instructor). They have also trained under First Grand Master Rhee from the United Kingdom and
the late Senior Grand Master C.E. Sereff (from USA) who were the first two Grand Masters appointed
by the founder of ITF Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi. Students training at the club benefit in the
wealth of knowledge from the Bai Rui School’s, Chief Instructor, Master Rob Taylor who also attended a
seminar taken by General Choi himself.

They continue to further their knowledge of the art by attending seminars and camps as well as liaising
with other Taekwon-Do practitioners nationally and internationally. This continued learning is passed
onto to their students.

As instructors, they are both first aid qualified, and blue card certified as well as being
experienced Taekwon-Do examiners, referees and judges. Both hold nationally accredited qualifications
in sports coaching, specialising in martial arts with Master Jan Taylor also having qualifications
in fitness.

They structure their class so that students, no matter their age or ability, learn at their own
pace. Students will receive instruction in the original art of Taekwon-do learning the mental and
physical aspects as well as self-control, confidence, focus with a big emphasis on self-defence
and applications. Students with additional needs are welcome at the club and are supported by fellow


Phone: 0434 359 313

Location:Strathpine West State School

Training Days: Monday and Thursday

Training Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm