
As a student of Bai Rui, testings are your opportunity to demonstrate to the examiners and wider school what you know and understand about taekwondo. It’s your chance to show that you are ready for your next stage of learning and why you deserve the rank you are seeking. Your examiner will promote you to the rank you are ready for and it’s your job to ensure you have maximized the learning opportunities that your instructor and the school seniors have put in front of you in order to be as ready as you can be ready for the testing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do before my testing?

Firstly, you will need to discuss testing with your instructor. Sometimes the instructor will approach you about testing and sometimes you may need to approach your instructor and let them know that you would like to be considered for testing. If your instructor agrees, they will give you a testing application form for you to fill out. Your application, including the testing fee, your red card and your testing form (correctly filled out) should be back to your instructor around two weeks prior to the testing so they can ensure your application is submitted to head office before the due date.

Your testing date is not guaranteed until head office has received your full testing application (testing form, red card, testing fee).

How often are testings held?

Bai Rui usually holds a coloured belt testing once per month for Brisbane and surrounding areas (including Ipswich and the Lockyer Valley) and once per quarter for regional centres such as Nanango, Goondoowindi and Canberra. Black belt testings are usually held twice per year in May/June and December. These testings usually occur in Brisbane and, on occasion, there may be opportunity for regional black belt testings.

Testings are often held on a Sunday, but we do occasionally hold testings during the week of an evening and the very occasional Saturday testing. This is to ensure that all students have the opportunity to testing several times throughout the year, even if they are unavailable on a particular day. If you have any restrictions such as these, please speak to your instructor.

Testings are also scheduled upon identified need, which means that they can occur more or less frequently. Rest assured that if you are ready to test there is always a testing on the horizon.

What do I need to do if I can’t make the testing?

Should an occasion arise where you have applied to test and need to withdraw the week prior, you need to notify your instructor who then will notify head office.

If you need to withdraw either the day before or the day of the testing, first you need to notify your instructor and then, as a matter of urgency, email your details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to notify them of your intention to withdraw from the testing.

How long will I need to be there for?

We understand that time is precious and everyone leads busy and full lives in this day and age. Wherever possible, we try to dismiss students who have tested at the end of the rank group above them so they can see what they may be asked to do at their next testing. However, this is not always possible nor practical. It is advisable for students who are testing on a particular day to assume they will be at the venue for at least 3 to 4 hours for weekend testings and at least 2 to 3 hours for a mid-week evening testing.

What do I do if I am nervous?

Nerves are a part of everyone’s testing process! Being nervous means you care about the your performance and the outcome of the day and they are a completely normal response. As you progress through the ranks, you will become better equipped to handle and cope with your nerves and this can have a flow on effect for your every day life in a number of different situations.

Pro Tip: focus on your breathing at your testing. Learning breathing techniques can help you settle your mind so you can focus on getting the job done!

How long will it take me to get to black belt?

There is no right answer to this question. Typically, and with continued training, achieving a black belt takes around 3 and a half to 4 years. For some, it can take less time. For others it can take much longer. Everyone’s path to their black belt is an individual one and the one thing we can promise is that you will learn so much about yourself along this journey. You will start it as one person and finish as another.